See, the nature of man is to find answers, to understand their reasons for being, and to this end, I believe people need an atheistic detour, at least to find their way. To question every belief, they’ve held to that point, coupled with the need to understand the insignificance of religion as a whole, yet grasp the necessity of spirituality. I had mine, and it didn’t resonate well with my family, and when they asked about it, I said, If God was good for my soul, my path would lead me there. At the time, I wasn’t broke; I don’t think it was motivated by lack, but rather a sense of belonging, or finding resonance for my existence. In fact, it wasn’t intentional, I just found myself on that quest. I wanted answers, the truth, or just a confirmation of what I wanted to be true. I was meditative; I yearned for deep conversations.
I wasn’t alone, but I kept to myself a lot. The psychoanalysis going on in my mind was counterintuitive to my social sustenance. I had friends, and I mirrored them a lot; conversely, this would throw people off course about who I was as a person. Essentially, I was them for a moment, in stature and mannerisms. To find myself, I needed to reconcile the polarity between externalism and integralism. A solitary path that inevitably sprung sadness and contempt. But to embrace myself, I needed to embrace others in their ignorance. In the midst of all that, I learned what it takes to create frame, substance, and character. The self is god, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient to the fabric of one’s being, and self-awareness is the greatest gift we can accord ourselves. To be present in our undertakings and beware of the consequential nature of our thoughts.
Thus, to create is to reconcile the duality of man and let it bloom. To be self-conscious of our darkest thoughts yet revel in the magnitude of chaos we could unleash but choose not to. Amidst all that, luck plays a part, the cause of sacrifice and attained opportunities. Just like nature, we are whole, but not without defects; still beautiful, what we pour grows, and we become. We are flowers in our own garden, either we blossom in positivity or stunt away in nothingness. The key here is that for everything, there is a cause. Even nothingness in itself is a cause, because whatever you believe is self-evident. It’s true, we are captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own creation. However, I’d be cautious, not everyone finds their definitive path, some get lost. A consequence of their nihilistic tendencies.
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