Have you met my queen!


I can only attempt to capture her elegance in words

Fearful of dishonesty and underrating her in my choice of words for the definition of her values

There is no one of her likeness in this world; she's the only one of her kind

Her frames and curves I would imagine have been sculptured by the Greek gods of beauty

With skin golden like the Egyptian sands

A queen with no tangible kingdom;

But her honors and graces rule the minds and mouths of many a people, familiar and strangers alike

She is a goddess to me, one I want to worship in almost absolute submission

To kiss her feet and embrace their feel on my face

To never get enough of watching the gloss on her lips that invoke a thirst in me like honey to a bear

I want to give deserved praise to her waist that twists and turns in effortless motion

To her eyes that compel me to her will, numbing me from control of my body, mind and soul

I am a willing slave to her powers of seduction, ready for pain, ready for pleasure

Hungry for a taste of royalty and not really seeking satisfaction for this desire

Like the flames of hell, a fire set for my soul to burn in forever.

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