
If I don't share this, how will you know? 

You don't know where I come from so that's where I begin. It's a small underdeveloped town by the lake. People are friendly and money comes and goes. The town wakes up at 9am and begins to set by 5pm. Then we give way for the night. A lot goes on at night. Also, nothing much goes on at night. One thing is for sure, the crime rate is rather low. Not that it doesn't exist... Because the story I'm about to share is a crime story. It is also an emotional story and now you know women and children are involved. 

The sun was showing off as usual, it was almost midday and I was ruffling papers as I usually would, a very small boy walked into our office begging for food in sign language. Of course this is typical city scam but here? No, not here. Of course I didn't burge. I hate beggars. They wait until you've made some then feel the entitlement to split it with you. But this was a kid. About 8years old or so. I quickly dismissed him but afterwards began to think whether this was actually the right thing to do. 

Musa (as I came to know him later) came back a few days later. I offered him my lunch chapati. He came again and again. Now it was time to question him. This boy couldn't hear, he couldn't speak. His name was Musa. He lived in the town slum estate. He was a part orphan living with his brother and drunkard father. He had dropped out of school since his mother died. Ooh such a pitiable story. 

Musa caught my concern. I wanted to help him. I wanted to stop him from begging and roaming around like the enemy. So I began relearning sign language boy we needed it for our conversation. I offered him lunch whenever I could. I bought bread whenever I bumped into him in the supermarket. I began avoiding supermarket because what if he requesed for sth expensive. 

Schools were reopening. He wasn't going. "My father won't let me go in my condition". What to do... I consulted a few responsible adults and wound up at the children office. This was good for him. I thought to myself. He'll go to school and might only be around to beg over the holidays. 

Barely a month later, Musa can hear. He can talk. He got the whole town fooled!! He got our entire office fooled. He got our neighbor offices fooled. I am telling you for 3months this boy never said a word. But now he talks? How? "I prayed to God" Wow! 

Yoh! I have never seen a nine year old psychopath. Oh but I have now, ticks bucket list. Also sometimes you know it's just a matter of time before you meet someone in court over a very grave crime... but you also know the way you know the person, they have packed up and moved to a new town. 

I was conflicted with whether God really exists and allows such things to happen. Imagine a child faking deaf mute for months and fooling an entire town.. But he did make bank. I give him that. Will I have the heart to help a needy person again? I think I nowknow the answer to that now.

Okay. Now I feel released. Bye! 

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