
So I have a 9-5. Also the 9 to 5 almost always spills over to 6 and sometimes 7. On very particular days it could go all the way to 8 or 9. After that, I am an entrepreneur, a student and blogger. I am also a mother, a daughter (which I don't do much of), a big sister, a friend, a girlfriend, a church member, a member of societies, a volunteer and a young woman. During my free time I bake, I watch TV, I learn a new dance, I learn fashion design, I crotchet, I play, and I visit places. Yoh! 

I sit down and imagine how much time I might have left before an assignment is due, or I'm a year older, or I have to be somewhere, or reach a certain goal, or fix something or someone, or spend time with my dear ones, or take care of myself, or sleep, or put in a workout, or try out a new recipe, or call a friend, or idk! The list is endless! 

Everytime I close my eyes to sleep I must convince myself that I have done enough for the world. Sometimes it's not easy. Sometimes I'm letting myself down. And I cry. A lot. I want to let go of it all but then my nature does not allow for mediocre, so I keep going. Day after day after day. 

And I know one day my body will say enough, and my spirit will yield. But I wonder, is it like this with all my girlies? Am I simply chasing pavements? Is it greed or a genuine want of better? Anyway it is what it is. 

Our elders never lied to us about our future, they just left out certain pertinent details that they feared would scare us or thought we'd get a grip of when we grew older. 

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We all have those moments. Beautiful piece.

L.Karuma | 6 months, 1 week ago | 0 Replies
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