Lovers’ Truce


Lonely Sundays, scary thoughts, I can feel the tears well up.

A drop trickles, today they don’t want to be held back, I can’t keep my head up.

Someone’s heart is bleeding because of me, I guess this is what I get for being an empathic cluster fuck.

Their hurt is now mine, tendencies of broken hearts trying to bridge the gap.

Winter falls, summer falls, each spring, I look for someone to fall for.

A galore of traumatic experiences, past lovers made me an artist.

I can paint memories in sweet and tender words they spoke life through.

Shades, lush brushes of the distaste they left etched in my mind.

But today is different, I had asked for a sign, she wasn’t the one, again!

 The universe wasn’t kind in it’s reveal, the picture painted, I was reeling, it was surreal.

It has become harder to fight for what we had started. I have the right to leave.

See, my heart has been forged in the fires of adversity and resilience, tempered in sheer strength, commitment, and understanding, but not today. Not Today!

As the fog of the memory beckons, and the lids of my eyes beg to shut, 21 questions run through my mind;

Does she have your heart?

When you listen to its rhythm at the mention of her name, does it whisper that she’s the one for you?

Does your heart tell you that it’d rather wait than be given away to someone else?

Does their heart want to know what mine says about it?

Can you believe it when it says the reason it beats for her, is it found a home?

Will you listen to it when it tells you to stop scrambling looking for another?

Should I stop to listen to it curse because no one will ever touch it like she did?

I know these questions would trigger you too, but are we willing to call a lovers’ truce?


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