Sons for Girls and Women


People derive philanthropic motivations from different social, cultural, and environmental aspects. Most of the time, our upbringing shapes our virtues of compassion and kindness. Equally, personal fulfillment is derived from selfless acts throughout our lives. Additionally, a little self-belief and audacity is needed to achieve certain goals. The birth idea for this campaign has been a recurrent premonition for us. The lack of access to sanitary towels has significant implications on the health and well-being of women and girls. Women and girls who cannot afford sanitary towels often resort to using unhygienic materials like rags, leaves, or even cow dung to manage their periods. This poses a severe risk of infection and can lead to serious health complications such as reproductive tract infections and cervical cancer.

In addition to the health implications, the lack of access to sanitary towels also has significant social and economic implications for women and girls in Kenya. Girls who cannot afford sanitary towels are often forced to miss school during their periods, which can lead to a significant loss of educational opportunities. As a result, they fall behind in their studies and may not be able to achieve their full potential. Women who cannot afford sanitary towels may also be forced to miss work, which can have a significant impact on their economic well-being. To address these challenges, there is a need for increased education on menstrual health management and access to affordable sanitary towels. This requires a concerted effort from the government, civil society organizations, and the private sector. Our campaign will be playing a critical role in addressing the lack of access to sanitary towels by investing in menstrual health education and subsidizing the cost of sanitary towels. Additionally, we will play a critical role by providing menstrual health education and distributing free or subsidized sanitary towels to girls and women in need. 

In that measure, we will collaborate with the private sector and can also play a significant role in addressing this issue by manufacturing and distributing affordable sanitary towels to girls and women in low-income households. This not only provides a solution to the lack of access to sanitary towels but also creates job opportunities for women in the manufacturing and distribution process. In conclusion, access to sanitary towels is a critical issue that requires urgent attention in Kenya. Women and girls need access to affordable sanitary towels to manage their periods hygienically and avoid health complications. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort from the government, civil society organizations, and the private sector. Together, we can ensure that every woman and girl in Kenya have access to the menstrual health education and products they need to achieve their full potential.

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