The Hard Truth!


Bad decisions are entertaining, or so our thinking goes. Although mistakes emotionally scar us, it’s still hard to make the moral choice to behave positively and consistently. Rather than accept that social network is vulnerable, we would offer a toxic fantasy. Excusably, having a conversation about poor decision-making is more comfortable than having one about good ones. Why do we make decisions that we later regret but somehow find joy in? How come they give rise to the most memorable events, though? I don’t see why that’s how life has to be lived. When you think about it, the attributes of spontaneity and individuality that we admire in others are products of the bad choices they’ve made in the past.

“I’m lost, but in the reigns I will find myself. In the reigns, I will search deep into my soul. In my soul, I hope to find peace. Peace that is elusive to every mortal. For in our entire existence, we look for that which we cannot find. Even them that claim to have found it still stress on the fickleness of it.”

I’m impressed by people that try their hardest to live their truth. A reality that is an embodiment of inner beliefs and principles. For the social reality is not kind; it forces people to cloak up and bask in the cruelty of toxicity. Detached callousness for others is shown in both unconscious and casual toxicity. If it’s not conscious, the coldness that allows cruelty is often the result of ineptitude and lack of information. On the other hand, casual cruelty demonstrates a casual disregard for the rights, emotions, or limits of others, and dispassionate behavior is indicative of this. Sadists, megalomaniacs, and Machiavellians all have toxicity, which may have either an innocent or malicious origin.

In truth, we’d rather be in concession to the fault in our thinking and mask that in the ideology that our actions are inconsequential to who we are and become. This is why I appreciate the physical approach in the social realm. Psychoanalysis is very intriguing. It is riveting how people squirm when you question their being. The essence of our beings is hard to conceal. We, humans, are deeply driven by the will to survive. In this sense, survival is the first code of our genetic fibers. It is engraved in the patterns and rhythm of our actions and manifestations. It is probably why relationships are strenuous today. People would rather hide in casual toxicity than let the neutrality of the supernatural guide them to genuine experiences.

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