
Ever stayed up the whole night? Not because of insomnia, heartaches, sickness, or night shifts.  

Well, I have a couple of times. Why? Because of its soothing magic. There is something about the night that makes it so beautiful. The sky, the moon, and the stars only enhance its magic.

There is so much to feel because everything is better at night. The night is more alive and more richly coloured than the day.

It is crazy how the night feels so quiet, how the world seems dead asleep, how dark it might seem, and how much light it brings to the mind and soul.

Ever wondered why some people always wake up and pray? Because the night is purer than the day.

It is the hour of writers, painters, poets, musicians, silence seekers, overthinkers, introverts with hidden talents, poetic souls with fragile bodies, creative people, people with weird obsessions and dark thoughts, smokers with blue eyes, thieves, robbers, night runners,' night madams', witches and so forth. Because only in darkness can we glimpse the fullest light/darkness our souls carry for us.

I wish I could go back in time when night studies felt like a punishment and bring this night~owl version with me. Things may be different right now. Chuckles.

But it doesn't matter. Does it?

Because I'm in love with this version with passion.

There are those nights when my mind goes to war with my heart, fighting between what I knew, what I felt, and what I had to do. Sometimes, the hardest decisions are made under the moon.

Talk of love when the middle hours of the night are the hardest without your loved ones.The memories of whispered conversations and hands clumsily looking for each other in the dark shutter you completely. It breaks your heart, and it hurts.

That prayer, new or favorite songs, pep talks, late-night movies, novels, walks, and unending conversations are the best. Nights are better for thinking, loving, and dreaming because they are more intense and genuine.

So keep on keeping on.

It is the only time for self-affirmation: that you are calm and peaceful, grateful for the day and its opportunities, restful in your mind, proud of yourself, pure in your heart, relaxed in your body, safe in your mind, filled with content, strong and steady, and quiet in your mind.

It was at this time that I learned the term Nyctophilia, which refers to an attraction to darkness or night or finding relaxation and comfort in the darkness.

And who said nights are for sleep?

Just like that, the dawn knocks,the light wakes up the sleeping trees, and the early bird starts the day. Many calls and conversations wake the world up. Buses, cars, and airplanes leave. Burning fumes and gasoline, and everyone is running. Again, I wait to find refuge in the easy, silent nights.

It was when I realized how peaceful and calm the night was and how mysterious it is

It is when I realize that THE DAY HAS EYES, BUT THE NIGHT HAS EARS. Yawns     


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Beautifully written. Insightful...just how fast the night changes.

L.Karuma | 2 weeks, 1 day ago | 1 Reply
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KirwaJoanna | 1 week, 5 days ago
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