The Voice in My Head


In the dead of night, my dreams take a flight to dark and scary lands,

Overwhelmed by imagination, mind-blowing ideas ignite my medulla oblongata,

My soul is besieged and overthrown; dreams flood in like a mighty torrent tsunami,

The voice in my head frightens me, it is like staring into the depths of the abyss,

I want to draw the picture of my life, but my arms tremble, eyes open, but no sight!


My life uncertain, my little hopes fading away in the raging tides,

Am I helpless or godless?

I want to fight and hold my breath, but I am scared,

My might separate from reality and drown in the lagoon of uncertainty,

Is it right or left? Should I fight or cry for help? Will my cry be heard?

The voice in my head!

Like a log swept downstream, running into rocks and falls, I felt every hit and fall!


I want to resist with all my strength though I can't feel my arms,

A war almost lost!

Like a caged bird, my movements are limited, and my wings are broken; I can't flee to safety,

Tears roll down my face, the picture of my life blurry,

 A reflection of utter helplessness!

My heart was ripped apart and broken, my head against my whole,

Have I betrayed myself?

Scared of the new life realities, the mountain lion struggles to roar in the stormy rocky lands.


The ghosts of yesterday creep in with chaos adding more misery to the helpless man,

My life flashes before my eyes, sweaty and shaking, my heart pacing up and down,

Life is beautiful with little to worry about, 

In the rocky lands, I crave a soldier's heart &spirit,

A smooth life I dread, a smile on my face again, I want to walk with my head held up high,


To embrace my new reality and vulnerabilities, to love my scars and delight in my imagination


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