I wish you had letters from your younger self, references to what you wanted, and points to measure against what you are. Either way, from recollection, and the messages you have put out there, I know you haven’t fallen off. Today, I am proud, tomorrow, I will be prouder. Proud that you started standing up for yourself. Proud that you want a claim in spaces that don’t dumb you down or are the wrong fit for your personality. I appreciate your growth, your continued ability to say no to trivialities, and the continuous emancipation of your values and beliefs. It has been a pleasure seeing you come to be, and I know progress doesn’t have to be rapid, but the lessons along the way were necessary to becoming who I want you to be. I would like for you to continuously stand straight, chin up, and have a broader smile in acceptance of the way things will be.
Now, we know how it feels to be victims of success in the past, and the never-ending expectations to go further. Setting a precedence of reliability and dependability, but derailed by the actualization of self, and the discovery of purpose. Your tenacity in rising up time after time has been amazing, and I commend you for that. Let this be a marker for your futuristic needs and the intentionality of your conduct. Let 26 be a turning point for everything you stand for, and be the light you wish to see in others.
Go and Be a Legend!!
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