
The experience of growing up under an irresponsible father has been full of frustration and struggle. My siblings and I have depended of our mother, a lady who I can say is strong headed and determined. She works in several non-conventional earning capacities so that we have all that we need especially when it comes to our education and wellbeing.


 My father on the other hand, has remained a let down all my life as you shall come to learn. His absence is not partial, but total.He is gone emotionally,physically and financially as well. He brings little to no positive values to our lives, my mother is the only one who takes full responsibility. It makes me wonder what it would be like to have a dad who is there for us, who encourages us, and who takes care of things. But those thoughts are soon displaced by the existing realities. 


 Our mother is such a hardworking woman and she will grab any opportunity that is available to work. She will wake up early in the morning and sometimes go to bed very late in the night with her body drained but not her spirit. All her hand muscles are swollen showing her commitment to the laboring job. Nonetheless, every single day it is a big fight to provide for the family’s needs.


 The pressure is really high because the three of us,my siblings and I are in school, and all of us are at the peak of our education. The general aspects such as school fees, uniforms, books, and other basic necessities are expensive. Each term, we face the same anxiety, will we be able to make payments for the fees in time? And will we be sent back home because we can not afford to stay? 


 The sorrow of seeing our mother suffering is further mixed with the feelings of resentment towards the father figure. He has been so irresponsible that he has taken away with us the stability and security that we need. He carries himself around so carelessly without any worries or concerns about the suffering we go through. This negligence is a reinforcement of the inequalities we face in our everyday lives. 


 Nevertheless, the strong support from my mother always guides us through to face the challenges head on. She teaches me the value of education, which she never tires of telling me is the key to the improvement of our situation. The thing is, her sacrifices do not go unnoticed because they keep us moving forward towards the success that awaits us. 


 However, the path is not a plain sailing since there are days when the pressure of events and occurrences that surround maintains an unbearable heaviness. Of course, one can agree that the pressure of dealing with school assignments alongside being aware of our financial difficulties can all be too much sometimes. The thought that there will be no meal on the table or rent is paid, makes it very challenging to study and focus for an exam or even do homework. 


At these times, I recall how my mother is strong and how she would handle a similar situation. Many challenges have been thrown at her and she has met all these challenges and is still meeting them in a very strong spirit. She motivates me to keep on going no matter the circumstances that we face on our athletics. 


 It’s definitely not just about pushing through and scraping by but about working towards something more. My mother’s dream for all of us is not only a dream of keeping on surviving in this world but also of the day when all of us are happily prosperous, out of the dependent and suffering life that she has always had to embrace. This vision inspires us to keep going even when there are frustrations or difficulties. 


 I have learned things about responsibility, determination, and love that have resulted from our situation. My father is out of the picture but my mother is the pillar that I look up to and expect strength and hope from always. It is for her love and sacrifices that we lay the bricks to forge our dreams. 


 Lastly, the difficulties and stresses that we come across are making us stronger everyday. It has been our focus to better our current living situation and not only for ourselves, but for our mother. She is our inspiration, and her determination shall always be the light at the end of the tunnel towards a better future.We love you mama. 

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