
Enduring Shadows-Journey through my step mother's cruelty

This blog narrates how much I was able to bear cruelty for the number of years I lived with my step mother and the challenges I faced. It is not one of survival but of transformation emerging from coarseness as a beacon of strength and hope.


Fostering Ethical Business Culture

The business world is characterized by uncertain market conditions, raw competition, and the emergence of new players, forcing some executives to break the rules to deliver numbers. Unethical behavior continues to prevail in some organizations leading to bad reputations, increasing regulatory costs


Big Pharma

The antimicrobial resistance crisis, if not addressed urgently with the development of new antibiotics, could eclipse the COVID-19 pandemic in severity.


Dear Kenya

For quite some time, I have been contemplating of writing you a letter, but what would that do? However, I am a political Science student, and yes, I understand that liberation is expensive.